2009 Royal Victoria Marathon

2009 Royal Victoria Marathon
Jane, Me and Dee manning the shirt swap

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Posting Comments

I just figured out how to change the settings so that anyone can leave comments on my blog. Please leave your comments--I look forward to reading them. I see that lots of you read the blog and replied on Facebook, so I know you have stuff to say. And please share your stories. I know some of you have funny things happen to you. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. So please share.


  1. This is a great looking blog, Mo! I just set one up, too. It's at http://michaelsong.ca, I'll link you if you like...

  2. Not sure if I want a blog but am thinking about it. Good job Maureen :)

    Gwen Finney

  3. Hey thanks for the comments! I added you to my links as well!
